The main principle for all right living is to live at the point which has the highest potential for good. We are all a mixture of both good and not so good impulses, so it is as well to be clear about the distinction between the two. Only then can we respond to the good and ignore the bad. In this way, we give energy to and encourage a correct response to the impulse from the good in ourselves, the higher self, and we eventually learn to recognise those impulses that are from our lower nature, those from the lower self.
As we learn to develop this discriminatory capacity, we can give energy to our higher nature so that our responses are more in line with the greater good. At the same time, because the impulses from our lower nature are not given the energy required to survive, it becomes apparent in the results in our daily life that we are living at a higher level. This is very empowering.
In order to recognise the difference between our higher and lower selves it is important to remember that the higher self is always loving and inclusive whereas the lower self is critical and exclusive. Whenever we are critical of others, we can be sure that the lower analytical mind of the lower self is involved.
Whenever we see ourselves as separate from others - in any way - then again, we can be sure that the lower self is at work here. Indeed, whenever there are thoughts of fear, anxiety or depression, then yet again we can be sure that these come from the lower self. In other words, the best that in us is always a positive influence for good, whereas all that is negative stems from the worst part of our nature.
It is all a matter of focus; a determination to focus on the highest, best and most positive and to disregard the lowest, worst and negative parts. The choice is ours - it really is up to us whether or not we choose to have a positive mental attitude or a negative one. It is in the adoption of a positive mental attitude, one that includes all others even those we see as vastly different to ourselves, that right living it is attained. We can commit to detaching from and letting go of all the rest.
There are certain things to avoid;
The “poor me” attitude
The “ooh, ain’t it awful?” line
The rescuer, persecutor, victim triangle
I’m ok, you’re not ok
I’m not ok…
You’re not ok…
What if…
If only...
I wish…
But it is so difficult…
All these are negative and keep us stuck in the position or mind set that basically blames others or ourself for our circumstances and/or separates us from others.
Once we can recognise this, then we can avoid these positions and begin to take charge or responsibility for ourself and circumstances. Only then can we begin to change. Once we recognise that we have full responsibility for ourself, our actions and circumstances, then and only then, are we free of the past. There is no blame, nobody ever forced us to do anything against our will - we always have free will. Let us work now in a positive way and with full commitment to change ourselves for the better. We can and do create our own reality, so let’s commit to creating the reality we want.
We also need to remember the adage that “if we spot it, then we’ve got it”. This means that if we see something in someone else, or indeed in the world at large, that we do not like or that irritates us, then that serves simply to remind us to change that aspect in ourselves. We see only that which we know; we can recognise only that which is a part of ourselves, often a part that is shut off or hidden from view, even from ourself.
Once we can accept this particular concept, that what we see is all a part of ourself, then it becomes obvious that to try to change others, to blame others, to criticise others or indeed, to blame ourself is futile. What’s more, it’s missing the point. The only person we can change is ourself! Acceptance is a key word here, acceptance of the reality of ourself and acceptance of the reality of others.
Once we accept this reality, then we can begin to work on those aspects within our nature that need to be changed for the better. We can commit fully to the process; the process of changing our old habits into more self-affirming, empowering and positive attitudes which in turn will govern our feelings and actions. The results will speak for themselves. We need to be the change we want to see in the world and in others.
We are all entitled to our own point of view based on considered, intelligent and loving thinking. But let us remember that our ideas are not necessarily the only correct ones. The truth can be likened to a many-faceted diamond and our particular point of view, which is our truth, is like just one facet of the diamond - one small fragment of a much greater whole.
So let us endeavour to be as open minded and as inclusive as we can be. Let us include others' truths alongside our own. Let us respect with loving hearts all considered, intelligent thinking even when vastly different to ours. Let us also remember that the truth we do know is like the tip of the iceberg and that there is far more that we do not know. Even apparently contradictory ideas can be reconciled eventually when the wider picture is seen.
If we accept and include, embrace and encompass all, then energetically we create harmony and cooperation rather than conflict and competition. We can then work with others in a spirit of understanding and goodwill in order to change situations for the better. This attitude can also be applied to ourselves if we want to change. The first step is to accept all in a relaxed, non-judgemental and non-critical way, then to work to change for the better.
We can contribute to improving situations with our general attitude based on a positive, constructive approach - remember the 100th monkey syndrome where monkeys on an island followed the lead of one who had discovered the idea of washing a banana in the sea before eating it. Once the 100th monkey had learnt to do this, then all the monkeys all over the world suddenly knew how to do it!
Also it is worth bearing in mind that as more people choose to think, talk and act in this way, so this choice becomes more acceptable and attractive to others. We can and do make a difference in raising the way we view life and events to a higher, more constructive level. All it takes is goodwill in the heart and the will-to-good in the mind!
We can participate in the process of building in better values for a better world - one based on the spiritual principles of synthesis and wholeness, with the idea of the greatest good for the greatest number uppermost in our minds. The consideration of long term goals concerning the good of the whole can be seen as the new materialism for the new age.
The substitution of the greater for the lesser can guide our thinking and our vision can be one of an upward spiral of infinite possibilities. The higher spiritual principles and attitudes can bring in the materialisation of a world where right human relationships are uppermost. There is peace and harmony when relationships are right between humans and when people are working to bring all together.
All crises are, of course, opportunities for re-evaluation and for an examination of the values we live by. Do we see ourselves as a part of the problem, or as a part of the solution or do we regard ourselves as apart and separate from it all, with the problems "out there"?
If there is a pool of thought which we can tap into without even knowing about it, then we can help to create a better pool of thought for a better world, one based on the higher spiritual values by which to live. This, of course, is the idea behind the often used phrase that ‘energy follows thought’.
The following are some of the higher values and principles we might want to identify ourselves with;
Right Human Relations
These are some of the keywords on which we can base our attitudes and, thereby, our lives. They can promote wholeness and expand our vision if our minds and hearts are filled with them and our actions are determined by them.
The idea that the world is getting smaller has never been truer. The idea that we are all interdependent and interconnected is equally so. We need to accept our responsibility and ensure that our contribution is the highest that it can be.
The guiding principle to apply can be summed up as follows: let us be concerned with the highest good of the greatest number. Let us relate to the whole and serve the common good as far as we are able. Let us be constructive in our thoughts, words and deeds. Let us work together for common understanding and think in terms of the larger whole of which we are but a part. Let us expand our consciousness to be all-inclusive. Let us include others' truths along with our own. Let us try to bridge the gaps between all the differences, if we can.
What we concentrate on is what we get. What we fight we intensify. So let us concentrate on the positive, on what we want in our lives and drop the negativity either in ourselves, others or around us in the world in general. Let us concentrate on the fact that the glass is half full! We can let go of all disappointments, blame, fear, criticism etc. Let us forgive and forget the past and live in the now, creating a better reality for all!
- We can take outer action, e.g. give our time, money and/or skills to meet the real needs of others in some form of group or organisation in our community. We then anchor, or ground, the energies of compassion and goodwill in active expression in the everyday world. This practical, everyday use is the manifestation of the extent of our commitment.
- Right speech - this is essential when we remember that according to the considered emphasis of speech and attitude, we either increase the problems or help in their solutions. If we persist in watchfulness in this area, then we can make a valuable contribution to the clarity of thought in the whole world and to the pool of intelligence and goodwill - remember the "100th monkey syndrome"! [Click here if this is new to you and you want to know more]
- Seek each other out - group energies are more powerful than individual ones and unity is far more powerful than division. This does not necessarily mean sameness - remember "unity in diversity", “diversity in unity” and "unity without uniformity" are the key concepts here. The energy of goodwill can build many bridges.
- Meditate and reflect on a better world, both individually and in a group, or groups. This is a time of real need and, therefore, of real opportunity for us all. [Click here for details of the ]
- Commit to this process of change. Be the change we would like to see in the world!
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