The following copyrighted images featuring visionary art, poems and insights by Barbara Rose. Each creative work is a bridge between levels of existence - body and soul, spirit and matter, inner and outer - and offer valuable insights to assist you on your personal journey during these times of monumental change.
Apocalypse Fire
Apocalypse Water
Visions - Becoming
"In the beginning was the Word..."
Genesis 1:1
In darkness I rest 'til I am no more
In womb of creation safe and secure
Paths, they seem many, twenty two in all
Linking the spheres that lead man to his soul
Hidden are the paths that lie beyond tree
Veil of illusion obscures them from me
In stillness and silence reveals thus: the key
In deepest dark glows eye of All Seeing
Darkest of dark; light of All Being
Seed of creation; unmanifest becoming
Visions - Arcturus
Visions Gnosis
Visions Gnosis Purity
Visions Light
Visions - Celebration
Visions - Devotion Compassion
Visions - Devotion
Visions - Devotion Clarity
Visions - Dark
Visions - Light
Visions - Freedom
Visions - Genesis Manifestation
Visions - Genesis Inception
Vesica - Light Fruit
Vesica - Light Tetras
Vesica - Light 3